DSA447 USA Insight: US Immigration Today

Immigration is a controversial issue in the US. In the early 2020s, it looks completely different than it did just ten years ago, let alone thirty, when U.S. immigration law was last updated. Republicans, once much more nuanced on immigration issues, now largely follow Donald Trump’’s anti-immigration populist lead. Traditionally immigration- friendly Democrats and the Biden administration struggle with the challenges of mass unauthorized immigration and the resulting attacks from the right. This seminar will examine issues related to recent and current immigration to the US. #Englisch

Bildungseinrichtung: Berufliche Schulen, Gymnasium

Personenkreis: Lehrkräfte

Altersstufe: Sekundar (ab 10 Jahre)

Eigenbetrag Externe: 40,00 €

Eigenbetrag Interne: 0,00 €

Teilnehmende: 30

Dauer: 2 Tage

Sachbearbeitung: Frau Regina von Natzmer

Tel.: (089) 233-27964

Fax.: (089) 233-22108

E-Mail: pizkb.a.rbs@muenchen.de

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