DSA448 USA Update 2025
One year after the presidential election of 2024, where does the United States stand? This seminar will examine the current presidential administration and its priorities, along with the most important topics in domestic politics and foreign policy. How is the relationship between the US and its allies evolving? And can it overcome the political dysfunction and polarization that have shaped the last decade? As usual, satirical cartoons and videos will provide comic relief and food for thought. #Englisch
Bildungseinrichtung: Berufliche Schulen, Gymnasium
Personenkreis: Lehrkräfte
Altersstufe: Sekundar (ab 10 Jahre)
Eigenbetrag Externe: 40,00 €
Eigenbetrag Interne: 0,00 €
Teilnehmende: 30
Dauer: 2 Tage
Sachbearbeitung: Frau Regina von Natzmer
Tel.: (089) 233-27964
Fax.: (089) 233-22108
E-Mail: pizkb.a.rbs@muenchen.de
DSA448 – USA Update 2025
16.10.2025 bis 23.10.2025 – Online-Veranstaltung