DSA441 USA Insight 2024: US Foreign Policy Today – Leader of the Free World or America First? (online)

This seminar will examine the various competing developments and trends in contemporary American foreign policy, as well as the actual US involvement in supranational organizations like the UN and multilateral international agreements. Is the US retreating from its global leadership position, as the „America First“ movement intends or is America more than ever “ the indispensable nation“ as Madeleine Albright once claimed? As usual, satirical cartoons and videos will help lighten the mood in discussing these often serious and even grim topics. #Englisch

Bildungseinrichtung: Berufliche Schulen, Gymnasium, Realschule

Personenkreis: Lehrkräfte

Altersstufe: Sekundar (ab 10 Jahre)

Eigenbetrag Externe: 40,00 €

Eigenbetrag Interne: 0,00 €

Teilnehmende: 20

Dauer: 2 Tage

Sachbearbeitung: Frau Regina von Natzmer

Tel.: (089) 233-27964

Fax.: (089) 233-22108

E-Mail: pizkb.a.rbs@muenchen.de

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