DSA442 USA Update 2024 – Battle for the White House (online)
On November 5, 2024 the United States will hold presidential, as well as congressional and state-level elections. This seminar will examine candidates and their chances for victory, the state of the major political parties, as well as the key political issues debated during the campaign, What would a victory of the Democratic or Republican candidate mean for Europe and the world? As usual, satirical cartoons and videos will help lighten the mood when discussing these serious issues. #Englisch
Bildungseinrichtung: Berufliche Schulen, Gymnasium, Realschule
Personenkreis: Lehrkräfte
Altersstufe: Sekundar (ab 10 Jahre)
Eigenbetrag Externe: 40,00 €
Eigenbetrag Interne: 0,00 €
Teilnehmende: 20
Dauer: 2 Tage
Sachbearbeitung: Frau Regina von Natzmer
Tel.: (089) 233-27964
Fax.: (089) 233-22108
E-Mail: pizkb.a.rbs@muenchen.de