DSA452 Using Generative AI in the English-Speaking Classroom
In this workshop we’ll be exploring innovative ways generative AI can be used to create texts, tasks, pictures, and more for the English-speaking classroom. But what exactly does this entail? What are the limitations? And how can we encourage students to use these tools responsibly? Join me to – discover how AI can support English-language teaching, – find out about ethical and practical considerations, – explore strategies and skills to help students use AI wisely, – engage in hands-on activities and experiment using AI tools. I look forward to seeing you! #Englisch
Bildungseinrichtung: Berufliche Schulen, Gymnasium, Realschule
Personenkreis: Lehrkräfte
Altersstufe: Sekundar (ab 10 Jahre)
Eigenbetrag Externe: 80,00 €
Eigenbetrag Interne: 0,00 €
Teilnehmende: 18
Dauer: 1 Tag
Sachbearbeitung: Frau Regina von Natzmer
Tel.: (089) 233-27964
Fax.: (089) 233-22108
E-Mail: pizkb.a.rbs@muenchen.de